Have dutifully bought him a copy while out handing matters of import to the Post Office.
Word is he’ll be back in the next few weeks. Which is good as we need someone to babysit the cat.
Today, not being wanted for my cut-and-paste genius, I have written a letter for another brother, posted some things, chased some others, rewritten the beginning of something (or rather, begun to rewrite something) and eaten some Crunchy Nut Cornflakes.
Off now to a leaving do for someone who isn't entirely leaving. The liberty. But curry is included so hooray.
Well the completion of the trek made the evening news here in Australia; having missed two earlier news bulletins I finally caught the story while waiting for some program about Madame de Pompadour...
BBC news have picked up on the story, too, with video clips and even a link to the story in the China Post.
It's a long way from his days anging about in a Benny...
It also got a very small (one paragraph) write up in two of the Sunday papers over here as well.
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