Friday, February 02, 2024

Doctor Who Magazine #600

The 600th issue of Doctor Who Magazine is out now! Last night I was in London to celebrate this audacious landmark at a swanky knees-up. Really good to meet up with lot of old friends - and meet in person for the first time people I've been working with for yonks.

The new issue features some bits by me:

pp. 32-27 Tower of Strength

I spoke to production designer Phil Sims about UNIT Tower (aka The Penguin), as featured in The Giggle last year and due to be seen again later this year.

pp. 46-47 The Lonely Nights of the Long-Distance Runner

An interview with production runner Thani Subkhi.

p. 82 Sufficient Data - Take Cover!

An infographic of DWM cover stars over the past 600 issues. Sadly, this will be the last Sufficient Data illustrated by brilliant Ben Morris, who I've worked with since our days together on Doctor Who Adventures a thousand years ago. We've collaborated all sorts of fun stuff, including our book Whographica with Steve O'Brien, and Ben even laid out my family tree as a gift for my parents. Thanks Ben, for everything.

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