Friday, September 01, 2023

Technology news for Infotec

Photo of pink and white Teksta Mini Kitten Robot toy
Since April, I've been working as a journalist for technology news site, focused on the public sector and local government. Here are some interviews I've conducted recently:

HUG by LAUGH — the science of teddy bears for people living with dementia
A simple idea to help people living with dementia is backed by sophisticated research and technology. We spoke to managing director Dr Jac Fennell and research director Professor Cathy Treadaway at HUG by LAUGH about compassionate design and the health benefits of a good hug…

Niall Adams from cemetery and crematorium software company PlotBox
PlotBox software streamlines cemetery and crematorium management so that bereavement services can devote more time to the families who need it most. Solutions Consultant Niall Adams explains how technology can take some of the pain out of death.

Jo Lovell Director of Inclusive Communities at Cwmpas on tackling digital exclusion in Wales
It’s estimated that 180,000 people aged 16 and over in Wales, some 7% of the country, are digitally excluded. Jo Lovell at Cwmpas tells Infotec how that’s being addressed…

Rachel Van Riel and Ask For A Book
Libraries across the UK are currently piloting a new service where readers get personal book recommendations. Some ingenious, user-focused tech makes this practical for time-limited library staff. But it also depends on expert human curation, drawing on decades of experience in how people choose what to read.

AR app ‘Dorothy’ helps people living with dementia
Dr Samir Shah and Ben Williams are from the team behind the innovative, intuitive ‘Dorothy’ app that is already transforming lives, enabling those living with dementia to be more independent and supporting those who care for them.

Chris Mewse from Parish Online
Almost 3,000 town, parish and community councils now subscribe to Parish Online’s mapping technology service. It’s one of a number of initiatives from Basingstoke-based company Geoxphere. I spoke to managing director and co-owner Chris Mewse about how spatial mapping saves local councils time and money. 

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