Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Doctor Who Magazine special edition - Guest Stars

The new special edition of Doctor Who Magazine is devoted to the subject of guest stars in the series. I've written the entries on:

  • Jean Marsh (Sara Kingdom, The Daleks’ Master Plan)
  • Mary Peach (Astrid Ferrier, The Enemy of the World)
  • David Troughton (King Peladon, The Curse of Peladon)
  • Peter Miles (Nyder, Genesis of the Daleks)
  • Simon Rouse (Hindle, Kinda)
  • Pauline Collins (Queen Victoria, Tooth and Claw)
  • Georgia Moffett (Jenny, The Doctor’s Daughter)
  • Faye Marsay (Shona, Last Christmas)
It was a fun but fiddly assignment, with just 175 words for each one - plus a sentence on other roles they might have played. The sort of thing that flexes the writing muscles.

My copy of the magazine arrived today, and flicking through I was struck by the double-page spread on  the great David Warner, acknowledging his sad death just last month. That's quick work, I thought; his funeral was held on Monday this week. What a funny, kind fellow he was, as well as such a brilliant actor, and how sorely he'll be missed.

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