Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The sleeper must awaken: inside the mind of Dune

I've written an essay on Dune for the new issue of the Lancet Psychiatry, which you can read in full online.

Further reading:

  • Brian Herbert, Dreamer of Dune – The Biography of Frank Herbert (Tor: New York, 2003)
  • Frank Herbert, Dune (Orion: London, 2007 (1965)
  • Frank Herbert, The Dragon in the Sea (Nel Books: London, 1969 (1955))
  • David Lynch (dir.), Dune (Universal Studios Blu-ray: 2010 (1984))
  • Ed Naha, The Making of Dune (Target: London, 1984)
  • Timothy O'Reilly, Frank Herbert (Frederick Ungar: New York, 1983) - full text online
  • Chris Rodley (ed.), Lynch on Lynch (Faber and Faber: London, 1997)
  • The David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace -

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