Friday, May 09, 2014

Sci-Fi London winners

The nice people at Sci-Fi London have announced the winners of this year's 48 hour challenges to make films and tell stories.

For each competition, entrants had 48 hours to entirely create an original work based on stuff we gave them on the morning of Saturday 12 April: the title, a line of dialogue, a prop or action, and an optional science theme or idea (created by readers of New Scientist).

As you may remember, two years ago, Brother Tom, I and a gang of handsome desperadoes threw our all into the 48-hour film challenge. Read of our adventures making Revealing Diary.

This year, I was one of the three judges on the "flash fiction" short story competition, helping Charles Christian and Robert Grant whittle the entries down to one winner and two runners up:
  1. "Silent Storm" by Erin Johnson (PDF)
  2. "The Journey" by Bisha K Ali 
  3. "Tomorrow At Noon" by Glen Mehn
Congratulations to Erin, Bisha and Glen, and well done to everyone who took part. You can also watch the winning storytelling film and short films here:

"Shift" by Gareth Topping:

The March by Mission Media / Black Ant

The two runners-up in the film-making contest were Back Issue by the Creepy Guys:

And Life External by Bokeh:

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