Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Tales from the TARDIS

Out in shops now is Ace Adventures DVD box, with two Doctor Who stories featuring the Seventh Doctor and his friend Ace. Among the jam-packed jamboree of extras, there's The Doctor's Strange Love, in which me, Joseph Lidster and Josie Long rabbit on about what we like about the first of Ace's stories, Dragonfire. Thrillingly, we got to shoot it out in time and space...
Simon Guerrier, Josie Long and Joseph Lidster in the TARDIS
Me, Josie Long and Joe Lidster in the TARDIS.
The photo Joe took
The photo Joe took.
The Doctor and his companions
"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning..."
Me in the TARDIS
"What are you young people doing in my TARDIS?"
Whacky Lidster, thumbs aloft
Whacky Lidster, thumbs aloft.
Our Radio Times shot
Our "Radio Times" shot.
Gillane and James
Gillane and James, who made our wish come true. Plus my knee.
I look really bald in this one
I look really bald in this one.


  1. There are some 'interesting' reviews of the DSL featurettes on this forum!

  2. 'Interesting'? Probably just as well I can't see them.
