Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blake's 7: The Turing Test

Big Finish have announced that my Blake's 7 play, The Turing Test (out in February) will star Paul Darrow as Avon and Michael Keating as Vila. The news story says that in my story,
"Avon goes undercover on a research base… in the guise of an advanced android."
The other stories released alongside mine are by Peter Anghelides and Nigel Fairs. Gareth Thomas is also returning to the series as Blake, and it's been announced that Anthony Howells and nice Beth Chalmers will be in it, too. There will be more Blake's 7 CDs later in 2012 - and books as well. So that's all a bit exciting.

I'll be joining producer David Richardson and fellow scribbler Peter Anghelides at a Blake's 7 convention in Oxford this Saturday to natter about what we done.

Meanwhile, my previous Blake's 7 adventures The Dust Run and The Trial - starring Carrie Dobro, Benedict Cumberbacth and Stephen Lord - are available for £3.95 each or £8.95 on one CD from the Blake's 7 website.

The site also has some blogs I wrote about those plays, too.


  1. Hi,

    I just listened to The Turing Test and I wanted to tell you it really moved me. It was an excellent exploration of Avon's character. My favorite scene was when Blake conceded to Avon about returning No. 14. I love how Avon misread Blake and how Blake sensed Avon's immature humanity. It was a brilliant use of the unreliable narrator. I can't wait to hear/read more.


  2. That's very kind of you, thank you.
