Friday, February 26, 2010

I am legend

I've written the introduction to a book of clever academic papers on the Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who, out in May.

The British Science Fiction Association will be hosting a launch for the book from 7 pm on Wednesday 26 May upstairs at the Antelope Tavern, 22 Eaton Terrace, London SW1W 8EZ.

Speaking wisely will be learned types Melissa Beattie, Colin B Harvey, Matt Hills, Tony Keen and Leslie McMurtry. Speaking not so wisely will be me. Do come join us.


  1. I'm just gutted it's not out a few months earlier, there's probably a few things in there I could use in my dissertation.

    May see you there - it depends how much I loathe anything mythological/Doctor Who related by that point.

  2. By golly it's a good introduction, too!

    I won't be on the panel but I'll definitely be there lending moral support! See you then!

  3. So any thoughts from Brackers of it? Tired of myth and Who yet? :-p
