Sunday, January 11, 2009

The prince's balls get bigger every year...

Went to see Cinderella starring Steve Guttenberg last night (it runs until 18 January). A lively, silly show with lots of songs to sing along to (at least, our token American, K., knew all the words). Stupid, stupid, fun.

Afterwards, me and K. lurked at the Stage Door for autographs, ahead of a sudden throng. Keen-eyed girls stalked their way forward, shrugging off the pretensions of a queue. Every time the door opened there was a gasp of excitement, then a sigh as some mere ordinary thesp emerged. That must really get to you after a while...

We got scribbled greetings from Helen Lederer and the bloke who'd played Dandini (K. and the Dr liked him), before deciding we couldn't be arsed and going to the pub. K. got a bus home, me and the Dr got chips.

The girls have made a pact to go see Little Shop of Horrors (featuring Sylvester McCoy) next month; I can't go with them as I'll be in San Francisco.

Oh, had I not mentioned that before?


  1. I suddenly need to listen to Oh No It Isn't.

  2. My How the Doctor Changed My Life review is up, if you're interested.

  3. Hooray! So it is. Thank you very much.

  4. No problem, glad you enjoyed.

    Hey, just saw Mr Sweet on "Queen Victoria's Men." He does get around.
