Thursday, January 29, 2009

Absolutely capital

Via BoingBoing (and Nimbos), here’s some extraordinary, beautiful images of London from above at night (apparently a follow-up to images posted lasted year). It gives me warm, glowy feelings about the city I share with just a few million other Londoners. And there’s a whole bundle more pics at photographer Jason Hawkes’ own website.

If you like that, I also recommend the exceptionally squeesome book, Castles from the Air. And, in a deft bit of linkage, there’s a castle in The Judgement of Isskar…

In a follow-up to my notes on writing Home Truths, the Big Finish website now boasts my diary of writing The Judgement of Isskar. There’s also an interview with Laura Doddington, the wicked sister I created in my brain. (I'll do a separate, single post on reviews and stuff sometime next month, so it's easier for you to skip.)


  1. All the best things have castles.

  2. Those photos are top. Suddenly I understand what the not-very-impressive Regent Street Christmas lights were meant to be. Were they designed specifically for that one bloke in a helicopter?

  3. On that subject, did you know there's a movie of Jann Arthus Bertrand's "Earth From The Air" work? It's just a montage really, but it could make great kinetic wallpaper for a dinner party...

    I can send it to you if you're interested.

    "dector"; head of a group of ten physicians?
