Friday, October 10, 2008

Win my book!

The latest podcast of impossible things features a competition to win copies of Doctor Who - How the Doctor Changed My Life. And also interviews with me and some of the authors.


  1. Don't do podcasts, bet it's a lovely book though. Will look out for it on amazon for my Dr. Who crazed son.

  2. Yes, it is ideal for crazed sons of all ages. Let me know what he thinks!

  3. Interesting interviews there. It seems to me there were quite a few contest winners for whom this short story was one of if not the first short stories they'd ever written. Beginner's luck or catching them at the beginning of a great career? I understand in the UK short stories are much less published than in the US--there seem to be loads of journals that are always looking for short stories in the US, not that I've succeeded in having any of mine published, and in a creative writing course it's almost somewhat self-defeating to have so much time spent on writing good stories when there are so few venues. Occasionally the skills to write them come in handy, such as here. One of the guys on the podcast rather naively commented, I thought, that short stories were an easier "writing exercise" than novels, because you could witter on forever in novels. I find short stories much more difficult than longer pieces, probably one of the reasons my stories didn't win in this particular contest! I loved hearing from Rob Shearman as well. I hadn't heard before how he got involved in Doctor Who and that he was involved in theatre first is really interesting.
