Friday, September 26, 2008


Amazon have the cover of my Primeval novel up now:

Primeval: Fire and Water by Simon Guerrier

It obviously features Andrew Lee Potts as Connor Temple and a cheery-looking Velociraptor. The Velociraptor - meaning "swift hunter" - was about 2 metres or 6.5 feet long from nose to tip of tail, so would stand to about the height of my elbow. As my indispensable textbook says,
"The Velociraptors depicted in the film Jurassic Park were well over twice the size of the real animal."

Tim Haines and Paul Chambers, The Complete Guide to Prehistoric Life, p.127.


  1. I simply *can't* see that title without hearing this...

    ...which is neither a problem nor a criticism, since it's one of the best songs of the 1970s. No pressure, then...

    D x

  2. Yay Primeval!

    Out of curiosity did you pitch for this or were you approached?

  3. I was approached. And then I pitched for it.

  4. >The Velociraptor - meaning "swift hunter" - was about 2 metres or 6.5 feet long from nose to tip of tail, so would stand to about the height of my elbow.<

    To be fair, so would Andrew Lee Potts.


  5. I see Dave must have left himself logged into this when he was here last weekend...


  6. I was approached. And then I pitched for it.

    Ah, I see.

    Titan seem to invite pitches for their licensed series, I wasn't aware of that before. I wonder how open they are to new (by which I mean unpublished) writers.

    Thanks for replying, good luck with your pygmy 'raptor!
