Tuesday, June 03, 2008

100% official

Slowly and slowly things I've been doing can be talked of.

The new issue of Doctor Who's Magazine contains word of some things of mine. The Pirate Loop came 10th out of 14 in the readers' survey for best Doctor Who book of last year - with some 6.71 average points out of 10. Ho hum.

But excitingly I can now reveal who's reading the audio version. I got rung by the director one Thursday a while back who wanted to check a few things. Once I'd pronounced "Guerrier" and "Kodicek" and he'd repeated them back to me, I could hear a familiar voice in the background.

"Is that..." I stumbled... "Is that Martha Jones?"

And - hooray! - it is.

Also, my Sara Kingdom play is now called "Home Truths".

All right, that's not the most exciting scoop you ever heard. There's plenty more excitements to come. I was at a thing on Saturday... And then on Monday week...

No. You'll have to wait.


  1. I want episode titles for Home Truths too please. (All Chronicles pre-Gunfighters should have them). Ideally listed on the packaging but if not you can just tell me them.

    Thank'ee kindly.

    Robert x

  2. Many congrats.

    I got Spin at last. Isn't it cool?!

  3. The Pirate Loop is my favourite of the New Series Adventures, as it goes. Certainly the funniest of the books, and a great explanation for the number of aliens-who-look-a-bit-like-animals in the universe.

    Looking forward to the Sara Kingdom play! Just heard about this in DWM - it's a great idea.

  4. Robert: I'll see what I can do.

    le mc: Yes it is!

    Iceduck: Aw, bless you. Sara Kingdom isn't quite so silly...
