Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Benny's birthday!Alex Fitch's Benny show has been aired, and is now available to download. Odd listening to the rambling, nasal, awkward bloke that is, er, me. And it would help if I had thought to explain each of the people, stories and things that I'm on about. Assume too much you already know...

But still, it's free and it's comprehensive and I'm jolly pleased. And I think the bosses will be pleased that we got our message across:
  • Benny's next adventure: a short snipper from the forthcoming "The Wake", including the dramatisation of some of Justin Richards's novel "Theatre of War" (pp. 32-34).
  • Utterly all over the place as I answer Alex's questions at the recording of "The End of the World", 6 May 2007. (Yes, that's the recording you can hear in the background.)
  • Yesterday, Alex interviewing Lisa Bowerman.
  • Paul Cornell (and, er, me) interviewed by Graham Sleight on 24 January, at one of those BSFA things.
  • Regarding Jason Kane: Alex interviewing Stephen Fewell yesterday.
  • Over the phone, me interviewing Sophie Aldred for the Inside Story of Benny, 31 May 2007.
  • Did this one mano-a-mano - a snippet of me interviewing Gareth Roberts for the same book, 7 June 2007.
  • Upcoming Benny anthology "Missing Adventures" is being given away free (listen to the show for details how to enter).
  • Can't resist a mystery... Benny takes a job on the Braxiatel Collection in another short excerpt from "The Wake", this time dramatising some of Justin's "Tears of the Oracle" (pp. 276-7).
  • The end

1 comment:

  1. I just bought the entire run of Benny audios and three sets for friends...

    Wait, what the heck just happened??? ;-)
