Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Run Simon Run

A long day of chasing about madly yesterday – and my limbs are still not recovered from wild disco at a wedding on Saturday. It has been too long since I last did “dancing” (in quotes ‘cos of my own unique “style”). But cor, it wasn’t half fun.

First off, an appointment at the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, which has been confirmed as the venue of a special signing for the Benny Inside Story on Saturday 3 November.

I’ll be there, as will Lisa Bowerman (Benny), Rebecca Levene (editor of many of Benny’s books, and of the forthcoming Missing Adventures), Nicholas Briggs (my boss and the voice of the Daleks and Cybermen), plus Benny regulars Steven Wickham and (I hope) Sam Stevens. More details to come, but put 3 November in your diaries.

After a coffee and discussion with one of my bosses, I chased down to the station to have my picture taken by LB Photography. This is mostly for the back-flap of the Inside Story and partly just ‘cos I is vain. Sat under a hedge just out of the sunshine and did as I was told – leaning forward and raising my chin and other tricks of the trade. After, there was calzone, gossip and a search for other photos.

Then hauled myself up to what used to be a pub not far from one end of Mark Brunel’s famous tunnel. Worked with clever designer Alex Mallinson on amends to the Inside Story until 9 pm, by which time mine eyes were glazing over. Home by nearly ten to watch a draft music video Codename Moose had directed on Saturday. It features some pretty impressive fisticuffs, the same Alex Mallinson leaping over the bar in a pub (I expect he practices at home) and my friend O. being a bruiser.

Last proofing tomorrow; another long day. And then fleeing to Darkest Devon for my parents’ ruby wedding bash. They were of course married the same day as The Tomb of the Cybermen part 3.


  1. Who did Tomb 3 get married to?

    D x

  2. The newly redisdiscovered Web of Fear 7. Obviously.

  3. but they're both Troughtons. That's perverted.

  4. Tomb of the Cybermen 3, Web of Fear 7... nah, still doesn't sound as marvellously ridiculous as the game I *did* just watch...

    D x

  5. I have been asleep. and am sore-heady and coldy. I find myself 'does not compute' Dalek. I keep thinking 'Simon knows there isn't a seventh part to Web of Fear. He's making a joke. Simon thinks there is a seventh part to Web of Fear. There isn't. He's wrong. Is there a seventh part to Web of Fear? Simon knows there isn't a seventh part to Web of Fear. My vision is impaired. I cannot see.'

  6. What a great venue for a book signing.
