Sunday, August 05, 2007

Swiss Army flip flops

I had rather woefully underestimated how much work might be involved in the Benny Inside Story bibliography. Thought it would take me a morning and it's taken all weekend (and there's still a couple of details to check).

Still, that and sourcing pull-quotes and quotations to start each chapter means I've read the book over for the first time in just more than a month. And I'm pretty happy with it. Just as well, as it's well into lay-out and there's no time to change too much.

Jo's Swiss Army flip flopAs reward for all that endeavour yestereve, I gadded across Stockwell to R. and C.'s housecooling. Stood out on their roof terrance drinking much Pimms and generally learning cool stuff. R's colleague Jo showed off some particularly good flip-flops, which have a bottle-opener embedded in the sole. Truly, we live in the future.

Taxi home at some point late, where me and the Dr bickered - to the great amusement of the driver. Despite eating bellinis and wild boar sausages on sticks all night, was rather in need of food. So did bacon and cheese and mushroom crumpets.


  1. Hey the are looking awesome. Can i get same flip flops in black color.

  2. Hello Rosy. I don't know what colours they come in, but if you google "Reef shoes bottle-opener" (like I just did) you get plenty of sites selling 'em. Hope that helps.

    And here's a top fact I learnt doing my Art A-level: black isn't a colour. It and white are tones. Oh yes.

    Hope this helps.
