Thursday, August 16, 2007

My brain hurt like a warehouse

It is five years today since I left full-time employment to leap aboard the kayak of freelancing. The me then, with his hair and cappucine and basement flat in Greenwich, wasn’t entirely sure it would all work out. And the hair and basement flat really didn’t. But the kayak is still going and things are, you know, quite good.


The Dr, who has been successfully kayaking for a year herself, and I are celebrating tonight with fish and chips and fizz. And then booking hols to LA and Australia.

Doctor Who and the SnapshotsReceived my copies of Snapshots this morning, which includes my story "There’s Something About Mary". It owes something to an idea I had for a Doctor Who novel, which I sent the BBC a few months short of five years ago. But it owes something more to The Iron Giant. And the pop video Mary watches, that’s Gail Ann Dorsey in Bowie’s Dead Man Walking.

I’ve also received a copy of Malcolm Hulke’s Writing for Television, having been prompted by m’colleague Peter on my post about Harry Potter 7.
“If it’s a kids’ show, and the story includes a ship sinking at sea, save the ship’s cat.

Malcolm Hulke, Writing for Television (1982 edition), p. 243.


  1. I've got the 70s edition, if you're interested to compare and contrast...


  2. I don't suppose your LA trip would happen to be anytime around oh, say, February?


  3. Hurrah!!! I do hope you guys are coming a few days early, 'cause I'll be leaving a bit early this year. I have a short flight Sunday night to a little location known as New Zealand.

