Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Benny and badgers

We race towards the finish line on the Benny Inside Story, though I am beginning to feel a little like Peter Davison in Castrovalva episode 2. With the pressure almost off my synapses are coming undone.

Still, the new DWM has a lovely plug for the book, and also announces details of The Pirate Loop, which I’ve not been able to talk about for months. And then, just when I feel a little good about life, I see the results of the readers’ poll.

Time Signature
is bottom of 12 Doctor Who fictions; Benny takes the six bottom slots in the Other Big Finish audios – and it’s my Summer of Love that comes last.

And so back to the Inside Story and chapter 11, which details the mistakes I made last year.

Ho hum. We keep buggering on…


  1. The Benny audios are in the DWM poll this year???

    I knew I should have voted this year...

  2. I bet Benny Summerfield Magazine puts all the Doctor Whos at the bottom, though.

  3. Yeah WERE Top Ten for Audio is half full! :-)

  4. Bah with your common sense and facts.

  5. >The Benny audios are in the DWM poll this year???

    They have been for the last few haven't they?
