Friday, September 22, 2006

8 whole friends

Mighty Joe Lidster told me to set up a MySpace ages ago. I did and then did nothing about it because of spending all my time here.

But prompted by a chum saying I’d not replied to their missive, I have updated it today and now have 8 whole friends. Though some of these friends are strangers.


  1. Thank you for this timely reminder.

    I popped along to your page and you can have another friend if you're in the mood...

    There are some interesting people on MySpace. Then there seem to be some complete nutters.

    But, that's the net for you, I guess.

  2. But, that's the net for you, I guess.

    No- that's the world for you!

  3. True.

    It just seems with MySpace (as with almost everything else online) a substantial magnifying glass is provided through which the microcosm is, perhaps, blown out of proportion.

    Does any of that make sense? Answers on the back of a fag packet to...

  4. MySpace is evil. That is my considered opinion.
