Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Odds and ends

Draft version of book cover.Found this among the old files, while looking for something else. It's what I sent BBC Books last summer, when we talked about covers.

A nasty cold sits just behind my eyes and tongue, waiting to catch me off-guard. My throat is raw and miserable, and I keep getting shivers. Last night, I think I kept the Dr awake with strange dreams and feverish fidgets. Ho hum – just in time for my holiday. Have already drunk a litre of orange juice.

This morning, the man with a van arrived sooner than I’d expected. Been asked to explain how you can have 1½ bookcases. The one is seven feet tall, the half is a corner unit which is about 3½ feet tall. Simple, really.

It’s taken longer to re-stack the shelves than it did to drive to my old flat, get the shelves into the van, drive back and lug them into the living room.

Did this while listening to Night Thoughts, which is good fun and spooky. The ending is especially chilling, with a brilliant performance from Bernard Kay. Apparently it freaked out the director when they recorded it. Can see why.

Now have the Clever Plumbing Man trying to make our boiler less noisy. He’s found a small bit of metal that was inside something it shouldn’t have been, and is now flushing the system to be sure it’s okay.

Off to see some Shanghai films or something tonight, to do with Chinese New Year. Posted by Picasa


  1. I actually prefer this one to the final cover; shame this wasn't the one picked...

  2. That is odd, Drewshi. It wasn't ever on Amazon 'cos it was just me giving the designers a rough idea what I was after.

    Cheers, Mark, but I think it looks better as a relatively low-resolution image onscreen than it would on a printed book cover. Where it'd look too much like the badly cropped cut-and-paste job that it really is.

    And I love the ruins of London.
