Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Draft of the Settling finished, and going through people's notes. Also pitched something somewhere else (more of which if it happens), and listened to the first episode of Thicker Than Water, which fell through my letterbox this morning. Top stuff, with a TARDIS scene that's really rather moving.

The Doctor is suffering, submerged by a cold. Despite not being able to speak, she's still bossed me about. Quite a trick.

Nice time in the pub last night, though we're all old and rubbish and left by 10. Much appreciation of my new, spanking haircut, with girls wanting to run their hands through it. So that worked, then. L, sweetly, asked permission. Though not from me...

And the thing in the book that threw me yesterday?
"His name was George Mouse; he wore wide suspenders to his wide pants".

John Crowley, Little, Big, p. 8.


  1. There's a short story by Diane Duane in one of the Doctor Who charity fanthologies which has the fifth Doctor wearing "striped pants and suspenders". It's a lovely mental image.

  2. Ha ha!

    "Little, Big" is actually very good (well, the first two chapters are). I'd been grousing to a mate about how Fantasy so often disappoints, and he passed me on his beloved, dog-eared copy...
